Sunday, January 01, 2017

No title yet

         Nostalgia. I've known this word from some time. And I've used it numerous times since then. But it was only few times that actually I felt it.

Friends, generally speaking, aren't easy to make. The older we get, the more independent we become. Frankly, the older we get, the less we need friends or we believe so. Because most people become better judges with age.

People change over time, and don’t realize how much till they meet old friends. Talking to an old friend make you realize how much your life has changed. It brings an air of youth along with it. It brings memories rushing to the forefront of our minds.

We often only rely on our own perspectives, paying attention to the way our own stories play out. Reconnecting with friends will allow you to see the world in a new light. It will show you how funny and weird life can really be. You were a part of their lives at one point and they a part of yours.

You may meet your old friends and decide that you were crazy, thinking that these people should have stayed in your life. You may even remember why you cut them off in the first place. A reminder of what friends shouldn't be is just as good as a reminder of what friends ought to be.

Oh! let me stop this bullshit. I started writing about the word 'Nostalgia' but wandering like a confused soul. Of course, I am Confused and Confident, tats what people who know me says about me. Because even with lots of confusions, i believe my confidence in those confusions :) have not created a chaos either to me or to  others.

OK, lets get back to Nostalgia.
It's something that makes you feel so young and at the same time makes you feel old.

It is a longing that weighs somewhere that you enjoy and wish it lasts, and  yet you want it to end for no reason.

It makes you feel accomplished and blessed.

It just makes you want to jump and scream.

But at the end, you end up smiling at yourself by remembering the memories of those faces from the past, wanting to relate each minor detail of that face that is stored in your memory. It makes you wish that person just walk out of your memory and hug you. And you wonder if you had, even once hugged them when they were sitting beside you all those years ago.

Nostalgia has no Ego, it cannot be Explained but it is Guilt ridden.

Nostalgia is a beautiful feeling. It reminds us of the way things once were.......

Anyways with that feeling of Nostalgia, we look towards future.

Happy New Year 2017.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In search of....

These are the words from a movie (i don't remember the name) which i watched long back. But still i remember those words, for reasons which i don't know.

Old man: I may not be a pleasent person to be around. But look at those flowers in garden, see the sun between those clouds, look at that child smiling and dancing.
What do you feel?

Boy : feel..hmm....nothing

Old man : Look at that car with the silver colour. how do you feel now?

Boy : Feels good, if i own one.

Old man : You still feel good that means you are not happy coz you do not own one.

Happiness is a funny thing. It’s a sort of carelessness, a joy that cannot truly be attributed to anything because it’s just there. Worst thing about it is, like anything else, it is also an emotion (as i started hating emotional people off late) that can be seen in a person’s eyes.

I don’t know how to find happiness. If I had an answer, it would be of no use anyways.
But, regardless of this, if a single person is able to remember something that makes him/her happy from this blog, it would be worth.

Most people attribute certain things to happiness that have done nothing to earn that respect.
First and foremost, it's Money, though it is excellent for comfort,it is not a source of happiness. Wealth is unstable. No one can be truly happy with instability. If u don't believe this then atleast you will agree that, this is what making people fear and panic around the world today.

POWER. People think that to achieve great power and influence would make them happy because, inevitably, all anyone ever strives for is happiness.

Few think, Achieving something would make them happy, would make them fulfilled, but even if one managed to take the world, happiness would still be elusive.

People drink, get married, have sex, have children, earn money, study to achieve greatness, work hard for promotions,all for a certain satisfaction which they think will make them happy.

But every attempt falls short. It eventually leads back to that hollow feeling of
before, that empty need for something called happiness.Happiness is so elusive at the same time looks funny.

That makes me think again, what is happiness? Why is it so hard to get it when we try and try and try, putting our best efforts, to get it? And this is what i think we should learn from children.

Unless circumstances force them to grow up too fast, children are the absolute personification of happiness. As I said before, happiness shows itself in their face.
These children do not know about Power, money or any of those things that we think will make us happy. But their face shows that joy to which i don't have words to explain. Their shining eyes, those innocent smiles, their curiosity... ( Hey...Even i had all these when i was a kid )

Maybe Happiness is just found in the simplest of things instead of the great complex things we try to achieve.

I was more happier playing from dawn to dusk with nothing to play other than trees and stones than those children of present living in the middle of video games, cartoons, etc.

Nothing fills me with more happiness than an early foggy morning, when the air is still cool and the outline of the sun is just beginning to show through ( though i wake up early, only twice or thrice in a year. But even if i getup, where to find that ambience in this city).

I have found more excitement in the fireworks that was happening at a fair in my hometown.

I find happiness sitting alone under a tree or near water with no one around to talk to (Ha..ha..considering the kind of person i am when people are around.)

I have seen for myself happier in the simplest things because at the end, they are the most beautiful Or that’s because nothing could ever compare to those moments Or may be that's how we were created to be.

But, Happiness is..........

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Getting Contemplative......

Though I am not very sure where this writing will lead to, as my blogs usually don’t convince any one when I try with such topics, being a bit of a practical persons that we all are.I hope you understand what I mean.

Ever watched a movie where you find your favourite characters acting in weird ways which pleases you. Ever observed those few characters which you hate.
The characters with out letting you know are sinking into your brain in the very same intensity as the others thought as good ones.

Ever read any story in which a character just like you and me is going through different kinds of experiences, interpreting or expressing them in their own ways.
Some times confused, some times convinced, some times compromised, some times convicted, vagera, vagera........

Ever discussed your feelings with any person, sometimes with an intention to find a solution, but i know most of the times it doesn't work out but to just release your momentary stress?

Ever wrote things about which even you are not sure (as i am writing here). Things which while writing, you know that you are manipulating somewhere.
In a manner that you are explaining to others but knowing within, that you are not sure of.

Ever saw a person who hates people without even knowing them and without a proper reason.Thanu classifies these people as "egotistic and materialistic with a considerable Zeal in underestimating others, also who crave with Identity Crisis". Observe them, that these people never get satisfied with even the bestest of all but pretends as satisfied souls.They want to be friendly with all but then i read a proverb somewhere that " A Friend to all is a friend to none".....hmmm

Ever helped a needy person? , n Did you think that, what made you do so?
Is it a sense of responsibility towards this society Or is it a sense of so called 'Sympathy' or ‘Humanity’.
You did it because it gave you a momentary relief , that it made you feel good that you are better than many others who are not helping or you can boast about it in front of others.
Ever tried to ask yourself the answer for “Why should i do it?”
Because when we say that the Person is responsible for his/her present situation, we should also know that, we being a part of this society are responsible for it some where.
That even we have a fair share of that guilty consciousness which we ignore while moving forward in this life.

Ever been to any Psychiatrist? (Don't think so) , but if you have visited one, you know how comfortably they answer all these kind of day to day ups and downs we think about.
Some times even better than our near and dear one's do.
Now it really does not mean that all of us are supposed to go and meet a Psychiatrist for our problems. But, then we have our own choices.

After all "It is our choices that show what we truly are, more than our abilities"

After going thru this blog, you may think as if you watched an ART cinema with an abrupt or a sudden ending..........but LIFE , isn't it the same?


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Love Actually..........

I would like to thank Sharath in bringing out this Blog to the T.....

My apologies coz no concrete ideas to share here, dn't look out for the creative juices out here.
So, Not an authority on this topic by any stretch of imagination as it fits most of us (guys).

what is crush?feeling of elation? why is it called a crush? its anyway
gonna crush u?
i have been trying to find answers on why I have been such a "NO "
when it comes to having a girl friend inspite of so many crushes, now
dn't get me wrong.
Having a girl friend is not my primary motive in life,but the reasons
for not getting one is good enough material for this blog

My first crush,,frankly i dn't remember.
School - The best crushes are the ones u have on actresses,,the
aishwarya's , the sushmitha's , the angelina's, the Kate's,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,etc(there's more than this commas)

Pre university - cute girls,beautiful girls,tall girls,slim
girls,girls with wavy hair,girls with the 10-100 watt smiles(
sometimes shocking), girls with that sweet honey voice n girls with
Take a look at urself u moron said an inner
voice , u r insensitive(sometimes) , u r sarcastic(most of the times)
,look at how u dress(when was the last time u washed ur jeans or took bath??),,,,,,. Shit, i am not born for this.

Engineering - Disaster Strikes , need i say more? Not even a single
girl worthy of having a crush on , forget the looks part of it ....
where were some intelligent girls atleast ?
I thought it was meant to be this way , knew the fact that the boy
ultimately meets the "girl of his dreams" like in the movies ( I hate
them now) , but does it takes a little time (anyways, 3 hrs is not
An year passed , 2 years , no sign of "girlfriend" , 3 years ,
still the hi's n byes continued, 4th year and a few final byes, later
landed in bengalooru for job.

Gold Mine ( i am talking about my previous company, not the current
one)!! Well , it was certainly better, not only were the girls
beautiful but also brilliant .
"Your time has come young man" said the inner voice again.
u r intelligent (am I?), average looks (i agree), converse well(ask my frnds)" he he ,the world is mine , I can do whatever i want to "

2 months : Started making lot of frnds but no girl frnds, no! said the
voice, dont!! u r going backwards,u have to groom urself well!
6 months :Only the frnds count doubled , hang urself said the voice
1 year : I won over half the batch but only as frnds , go stick ur
head in the mud.....stup

But then , for the first time, had a serious crush(dn't ask me the
name n to explain wat serious crush is).Not able to go up to her and
tell her. See thats what i lack.
I thought, this too would ultimately fade that time she left the company and then i too ( Never met again after sadddddd)

With this , a faint smile spread across my face and brought me back to
reality , "Welcome back" said a voice .

Now from last two plus yrs, iam in a company which is in a place that so many of my friends are jealous of it.
A ladies college, a shopping mall, 2 CCD's .............but not interesting things around.........anyways, it's full of entertainment.
The situation is like "Water everywhere, but can't drink"

"Friend of all , Boyfriend to none " destiny, my fate..........

So, Love actually is..........................Hi, i am $#%^.......what's ur name?.....

Friday, September 21, 2007

Getting Emotive....

Sometimes we will be feeling so low, on something that we should not be at all.

What we have on hand is not too much and not too important, but could be more interesting than the way we are dealing with it. But we just don't feel like doing anything!!
Shit I'm so sick. Sometimes the heart is a disease in itself. How can we concentrate on some sane talk?, especially because we have to simultaneously concentrate on not letting the brain think and disturb us on some painful issue.

But even then,
Why do we laugh when we feel like crying?
Why do we shout at someone without any reason?
Why do we always want things that cannot happen?
And above all why do we understand this?

I think these are Emotions......

Emotions come to us in the form of HIDDEN folders.
Dunno why then, at some point in life, we wish to share them, and they remain not-so-private, although they are still so delicate.
They are meant to be trained to sit silently, but we tend to hoard some of them for Public display, and end up creating friends out of equally insensible, insecure people.
Do it for sure, if you can teach yourself some insensitivity. If you cannot, it's best to teach them(Emotions) to shut up and hide while you smile with or without a reason.
Heart is too delicate coz u can't control the emotions that are generated when someone plays with ur already existing emotions.
Keep it safe. Keep it away. Keep it locked. If possible, throw away the key somewhere , so that you can never retrieve it again in another insane or mad moment.

But then if u don't show out your emotions, you will be tagged as insensitive, careless person, low Emotional quotience(EQ),etcetara, etcetara......

But do we really need to show our emotions to be sensitive, caring,etcetara, etcetara......?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Any similarity between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.....

It's sometimes so scary the way people look at you. It's not just a
look, it's a gaze or a stare. It's not just men who would do that to hot
chicks with lots of libido and vice-versa.
But it is men doing that to men, middle aged women doing that to a
skimpily clad girl, and it is also little kids doing to just about
anybody( This as an exception).
Especially scary are people who sit in bus or train just staring on and on at
one and all. And if one gets conscious, it gets too much.
I wanted to figure out if it's any fun, So few days back when i was
travelling i tried staring randomly at random faces, and it feels weird,
but it gives one a kick. Strange types hahahaa!.
So many types, one can say what a guy/gal is upto by just staring at
her/him. His/Her lecher-content can be gauged even, but it's not safe
staring at lechers.
Staring at girls(Iam not generalising) is even more fun, they make so many faces, they talk to
themselves, they fiddle with hair, vagera,vagera.... And the best is when you get
a questioning or angry stare back.
All right, It's too useless. Agreed!
Anyway i din't find anything interesting by staring that way, but even
then one can't classify those people who stare into that category.

After going through this blog, few of you may have felt the same way i felt, thats why i have mentioned "Any similarity between your reality and mine is purely coincidental".

Signing off for now with a hope that you won't fall into those categories.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bengaloorued from now on.........

"Bengalooru" is what I'm used to and "Namma Bengaluru" is what was coined by mainly people who have migrated to Bengalooru. After reading number of newspapers and few people who have ridiculed the name change there is just one conclusion I can come to and that is how we Indians always never want to understand culture of our own states. Anybody who can speak kannada will say Bengalooru and not Bangalore. Anyway no one from karnataka ie natives had objection for the name change. The only news channel that did take a lot of interest and the pain to find out if the name change was justified was CNN-IBN channel in India with Rajdeep Sardesai making rounds to some of the ancient monuments and translating the script written on the walls and no surprises everything there read "Bengalooru" as well.

When Madras was changed to Chennai the only people who seemed to be bothered were a few from Madras and didn't really matter to the rest of India. What was the motive for the name change of Madras? because that is what the actual name in tamil whereas madras was named by british. I even read a lot of news papers that welcomed the name. At least Bengalooru was not coined by a few politicians it was and is still called Bengalooru by the people of Karnataka.

When the rest of India stands up for even a minor activity in Bengalooru I feel proud and delighted to see Indians involved with this city but the sad part is this interest lies only for Bengalooru and not really with other places in India. But the real sad part is the so called unification of interests disappears when the local custom of kannadigas gets importance in Karnataka. Does this happen elsewhere other than here?....There is no use in pointing fingers at others as we ourselves feel inferior in upholding them. The unification in large is still there but it's the rest of India vs Kannadigas now.

All that is fine but do we need the name change?

Why ask us this question, there were far too many name changes all over India and why not?

TOI and its silly articles mostly by some Page3 people made statements saying the economics in a name change can be better utilized for the betterment of Bengalooru. What does these idiots understand other than asking to extend the party time in pubs till 2 or 3 AM in the morning and giving photoshoots by flaunting with some minimal clothed aunties and girls.

Like one idiot saying that we use foul language all the time, and i see no wrong in using it?....does this mean there is nothing wrong in snaping a Policeman?.......they doesn't know what is good or bad for their chidrens and these morons called as celebrities boasts that bengalooru is what it is?, is because of them.......if someone parties whole night and makes some models walk on the romp can improve the status of bengalooru? what way did they bettered bengalooru?

Other cites have done it, they haven't gotten poorer nor has the work and development stopped in Bengalooru. The only question that seems to pop in my head when I read such articles and biased views from few people is why such questions weren't asked for other cities?

What's in a name?

When people mispronounce my name I always make it a point to correct them. Why? I am proud of my name and this name was chosen by my parents and would not like to be called anything else. I take pride in my name and could never change it to any other... to make it sound cooooooooooooool. The name "Bangalore" was by the British, Bengalooru is the actually pronounced by natives of karnataka.